“When I was in graduate theology classes in the seminary, various papal documents were often assigned readings. The writings of the popes gave great insight and explanations into Catholic doctrines, beliefs, and traditions. Often these were very academic and not “easy reads!” It was a delight to read and discuss the 2016 Apostolic Exhortation, The Joy of Love with the men in the prayer group. Pope Francis has a clear, simple and very uplifting writing style. Pope Francis calls all to recognize the great gift of Christian marriage. So when I first began reading, as a single man, I wondered if this would speak to me. We are all part of a family, be it as a parent, child, relative, or extended family, and there are so many gems that guide us to rediscover the beauty of God’s love in each family. I especially liked his discussion of the current reality and challenges that families face today. His goal is to offer “help and encouragement to families in their daily commitments and challenges.” (4) It is by “trusting in God’s grace” (36) that helps us to do this. The conclusion reminds us that there is no such thing as a “perfect family” (325) and that we will never finish growing in our ability to love. I found so much joy in this very easy-to-read papal document. I encourage you to discover some of the excellent writings of Pope Francis."