The Good, the Messy, and the Beautiful has been a wonderful book to use as a guide with our Commission of St. Louis and Zelie couples. Even as seasoned veterans and one of the mentor couples in this group, the book has still been very eye opening for my husband and I, and the discussions we’ve had with our young couples have been so fruitful. Each chapter has a handful of questions for those either preparing for the sacrament of marriage or those who have already entered into their covenant. This, combined with the bite-sized nuggets of wisdom, make it the perfect book to work through for any couple looking to grow in holiness. Marriage is always a work in progress. The Sris’ book is so honest and any couple can find themselves in the stories and situations they use to illustrate how hard and messy marriage can sometimes be. It also helps you realize that the hard work you put into it will one day let you enjoy the fruits of your labor. One of my favorite chapters was, “Beautiful Limitations: You Build a Life, and Then It Builds You.” It talks about the beauty and gift of giving one's human freedom to serve something more than oneself. Although there are so many sacrifices you must make, each day you can wake up with a grateful heart that God has given you this vocation. There is true beauty in the love that flourishes from it in marriage.